TIE Programmes

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WORKSHOP FOR ALL PROFESSIONALS : Professional Development in Drama Integration in Education : Daniel A. Kelvin (USA)
Having initiated the Curriculum Drama module for subject teaching in schools, UMANG is now organizing a Five Day Intensive Workshop on Drama Integration in Education for teachers/ educators interested in adopting this methodology. The workshop will be conducted by a visiting senior expert Mr. Daniel A Kelin from the USA who has been working in this field for around four decades, with different organizations in different capacities and won significant recognition for his work in Theatre and Education. (For more information visit www.DanielAKelin.com)


An interface of Education and Theatre offers very exciting possibilities for a holistic development of not just children but for us all , as it makes all learning experiential. Umang has entered this field about five years back but has taken several initiatives to link Education with Theatre Practices for personality development, for teaching subjects, for communication, for gender sensitization, for awareness of diversity and creating aesthetic sensitivity in different age groups.

Recent activity held at Pradan, NGO, Bihar

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Umang offers, apart from its weekend Theatre classes for children and Curriculum Drama for students and Teachers, several programmes for different categories of people interested in this methodology. These are overall very effective for different aspects of Personality: Building and therefore useful for individuals. Some others are very innovative approaches to working with a team and therefore would be of immense value to NGOs, other Organisations, Schools and Colleges for effective outreach.

The workshops are offered on the following areas:

  • Gender Sensitization
  • Handling Diversity
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships
  • Team Building
  • Leadership
  • Dealing with Stress and Conflict
  • Facilitation
  • Question Seeding
  • Building Life Skills

These programmes could be of different durations depending on the group and the requirement.

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